Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Exploratory stage summary

During the exploratory stage I have learnt and experience new and interesting things I have never done before in every rotation; 3DD, graphic design, lens based media and fashion. There are highlights for me in every pathway.

 Firstly, I started off with 3D design, the pathway that I have chosen to explore further in after the exploratory stage. The highlight for me was the bridge building task. I was put into a group to work together to create a bridge that has to meet certain requirements. Now looking back at the task, I see elements that relates to what I want to do in the future; interior architecture/ design. The fact that I had to work in a group to complete a project, it is similar to how a interior architect/ designer has to work with other people to complete projects that meets the satisfaction and requests of their clients. I really liked the idea how my group work together to come up with a plan and made the bridge. Then, to have the bridge meeting all requirements makes me feel really happy and proud. 

Next, it was graphics, the pathway which I always thought was about logos. I have understood through that week and the lecture talk I had that many things/ jobs comes under graphic design. This was something that really surprised me, how much things you can do within graphics. Also, how you can incorporate the other pathways, fashion, 3D design and lens based media into graphic design. There was a moment during that week that I may actually want to choose to do graphics, because the topic was so broad that appears like you can do many things.

The third rotation was lens based media. I can say it was my least favourite rotation, I just did not enjoy it as much as the others. The work I did, presentation talk by the tutor and the lecture talk just did not interest me, and I knew it was not something I want to study further in. However, I did liked creating my own storyboard and to push myself to be as creative and imaginative as I can be.
Lastly, it was the fashion pathway, which was the one I least looking forward to. I always got the impression that the fashion industry is fierce, which was confirmed to be true from the lecture by freelance stylist Katy Lassen. I felt intimidated before I even started the fashion pathway. However, to my surprise it was my favourite rotation, even though I have no interest to study in after the exploratory stage. I really enjoyed and pleased with the work I produced in that week, whether it was working individually or as a group. The highlight would be the last day when we had to make garment/ accessory for someone else to wear and at the end we had to do a catwalk, which I found really fun. 

I realized in each pathway I was given a lot of independence. I was set tasks to do and it is up to myself to come up with creative and innovative designs. I also learn to record my work by taking many photographs, as most of the works I produce are destroyed on the day if I don’t take it home. Also, during the IT session I got to experience using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign. It was something I found difficulty with, but I liked that I have used it and have basic knowledge for me to use again during the 3D pathway.

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